


Communion Meditation: “Do you love me?”

Communion Meditation: “Do you love me?”

"Do you love me?" These four words carry a lot of weight to them.  Especially depending on who asks.  Hearing these words from a spouse may bring up different feelings than hearing it from your child.  Or maybe it brings up the same feelings from both. In John 21, as...

The Shepard Psalms

The Shepard Psalms

The Psalms are poems set to music – Israel’s hymnbook – and are meant to be sung. The imagery is powerful: life is a dance of praise, a storm of trouble, death coils that entangle.



The question you and I must ask ourselves is who we in God’s eyes are. Who does he say we are? The question is valid. So, who am I? Who are you?

Mission Statement

As Followers of Christ, our mission is to make disciples of all nations, to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to teach them to observe all that He commanded.

Our Vision

• To know Christ as our Lord and Savior;
• To grow in Christ;
• To serve Christ and others.

"Our mission is the Great Commission."