We may have asked a similar question in our own mourning and grief. Where do we go from here? How do I move on? Even a question of your own joy. Should I be happy? These are real questions, real emotions, and real effects of grief on us. Do not feel like you are wrong to feel this way.

I am going fishing… – John 21:3 (ESV)

When we get to our passage today, Peter makes a straightforward but profound statement, “I am going fishing.” For Peter this was probably less of a relaxing fun activity to do at the beach or at the lake on the weekend, this was his previous career. Remember, Jesus calls Peter out from his fishing boat to follow Him, and Jesus promised he would make them fishers of men. Now, Peter has gone back to that old job. They had just spent three years with Jesus, witnessing miracles, witnessing Jesus on earth, and in the days following what may have been the most traumatic moment in their life, Peter finds himself fishing.

Pastor Shane shares a message on grief from John chapter 21.