Past Sermons
John 3:16
God sent his son to die in our place, to take the punishment for our sins, so that we could have life.
Jacob & Esau: Week 1
We are going back to the Old Testament to look at the lives of two brothers, Jacob and Esau.
JESUS 101: What is important about Jesus?
Jesus is the Son of God, He is God in the flesh, come to earth fulfilling the prophecies given in the Old Testament.
A Good Soldier
In 2 Timothy 2, we can see some characteristics of a good soldier in the Army of God.
Jacob & Esau: Week 4
Their last interaction involved Esau vowing to kill Jacob but 20 years have passed. Has the anger of Esau subsided?
JESUS 101: Why did Jesus come?
In this last week of our series, Jesus 101, we are closing by asking “Why?” did Jesus come?
JESUS 101: Who is Jesus?
We are asking this simple question, Who is Jesus? This series will explore the W questions about Jesus: Who, what, when, where, and why.
Joy Week 4: Jesus
Because of His birth, we have His death, and it is through His death that we can find eternal life.
Jacob & Esau: Week 3
Jacob’s lies have finally caught up to him. Now Jacob will go from being the deceiver to being deceived.
JESUS 101: When was Jesus born?
The ‘when’ matters because Jesus came to earth at just the right time to die for you and for me.
Building Our Foundation
Our foundation must be built on Jesus the Messiah, our Savior. He is the cornerstone of our faith.
Joy Week 3: John
God uses Zechariah and Elizabeth to show us His faithfulness. He shows us the joy we can have in the promises of God.
Mission Statement
As Followers of Christ, our mission is to make disciples of all nations, to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to teach them to observe all that He commanded.
Our Vision
• To know Christ as our Lord and Savior;
• To grow in Christ;
• To serve Christ and others.