Past Sermons
Fervent Prayers Part 3: Mary
It took considerable faith for Mary to believe that God would accomplish a great work through her.
Fervent Prayers Part 2: Nehemiah
Nehemiah’s desire was that the king would allow him to go to Jerusalem to repair the walls and to governor the people.
Fervent Prayers Part 1: Daniel
Daniel, chapter 9 is Daniel’s prayer to the Lord for repentance and restoration, and for their return to the Promised Land from Babylonian captivity.
Jeremiah Part 4: A Promise Given and Fulfilled
“Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel.”
Jeremiah Part 3: Thrive In Adversity
The Lord had given a great revelation to the prophet Jeremiah in the midst of the harshest trial of his life.
Jeremiah Part 2: The Weakness of Rituals
Don’t get hung up on useless rituals and traditions or living in your own self-reliance. Live for the Lord and all He has for you to do!
Jeremiah Part 1: The Power of the Call
Jeremiah served the Lord for over forty years and did not give up. Even while exiled he continued to preach in the hope that Judah would return to the Lord.
Mission Statement
As Followers of Christ, our mission is to make disciples of all nations, to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to teach them to observe all that He commanded.
Our Vision
• To know Christ as our Lord and Savior;
• To grow in Christ;
• To serve Christ and others.