

Past Sermons

Stand In Awe

Stand In Awe

While the Hebrews saw the displays of God’s power and glory, it did nothing to draw them in. Are you keeping your distance from God?

Pray & Go (Week 4)

Pray & Go (Week 4)

It is the Lord’s power and might that has gotten us as far as we are. What can we do to improve? How can we reach our community in greater ways?

Pray & Go (Week 2)

Pray & Go (Week 2)

Don’t you think it’s time to take a stand for the one who saved you from your sins and has brought you into the Promised Land of eternity?

Psalm 13

Psalm 13

David was in distress when he wrote this Psalm, and it shows. When David expressed his heart to God, he found relief from his pain and found hope in the Lord!

Psalm 6

Psalm 6

We are like mere specs of dust in a vast universe, yet somehow, we are God’s greatest joy! It is God who is able to rescue us, heal us, and deliver us!

Mission Statement

As Followers of Christ, our mission is to make disciples of all nations, to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to teach them to observe all that He commanded.

Our Vision

• To know Christ as our Lord and Savior;
• To grow in Christ;
• To serve Christ and others.

"Our mission is the Great Commission."